Market segmentation: focus on stand-up pouches

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BP Consultants has analysed the global market for stand-up pouches in a recent market analysis. The results show a clear and stable growth dynamic in various sectors and regions. We present the results to you in detail, including material trends and why market segmentation is now crucial.



  • The global market for stand-up pouches comprised 79.1 billion packaging units in 2023.
  • Despite global economic uncertainties, this market grew at a stable annual rate of +2.4% between 2019 and 2023. We are forecasting almost constant growth of +2.3% until 2027.


Industries and regions

The clear growth momentum is reflected in various sectors and regions.

  • The leading role of the “Dried Food” sector is striking, which represents the largest area of application for stand-up pouches with a market share of 12 per cent, also showing the strongest absolute growth. Dog food, cat food and soft drinks are among the particularly relevant segments.
  • In terms of regions, the USA, China and India are the dominant markets. India stands out with strong growth of +5.2 per cent per year and will account for the largest absolute increase in the market for stand-up pouches by 2027.


Focus on Germany

Overall, the German market is only showing moderate growth of 0.4 per cent per year. By contrast, the dairy products, meat substitutes and coffee segments are looking much better, where we expect annual growth rates of up to +9.5 per cent per year until 2027. In total, the German market for stand-up pouches currently comprises around 2.3 billion units.


Material trends and regulation

  • The material split shows a clear dominance of plastic with 61 per cent and annual growth of +3.6 per cent in the years 2019 to 2023. Metal-plastic composites follow with 8 per cent and growth of+ 0.7 per cent.
  • In principle, the pressure to develop circular and climate-neutral packaging solutions could increase further and continue to characterise the composition of materials in the future. The keywords in this context are monomaterial and recyclability, the use of post-consumer recyclate (PCR) and CO2
  • In addition to regulatory requirements such as the PPWR in Europe, the increasing pressure is also due to changing customer requirements such as the growing focus on the product carbon footprint (PCF).


Why market segmentation is crucial now

Current developments make it clear that conventional business models are reaching their limits if they rely heavily on existing customers and established markets. Especially in a packaging market that is stagnating overall, companies are required to tap into new sources of growth. Precise market segmentation is proving to be an efficient strategic tool here

It enables opportunities in growing markets and efficiently utilises existing resources.

Especially in challenging times, this is the key to sustainable growth. BP Consultants will be happy to support you in identifying new sectors, markets and customers in a targeted manner.


Learn more

We have published our detailed market analysis with further facts and figures in the magazine “neue verpackung”. You can view the article here or download the full report as a PDF here.

As a specialist in market segmentation, Oliver Smith will be happy to provide you with further information or discuss your individual concerns.

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    +49 30 367524-27